Who we are

Iza Dezon

Iza Dezon, is the CEO at DEZON. Expert trend forecaster, TEDx speaker and co-creator of the podcast Ciao, Bela alongside Vânia Goy. With an international career spanning over 10 years, Iza has been in Brazil since 2015 developing projects, lectures, workshops, mentoring and teaching. She currently teaches trend forecasting in São Paulo, Brazil, at Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado (FAAP) and at the Istituto Europeo di Design (IED).


Stella Pereira Pinto

Founding partner and COO at DEZON, Stella worked as a journalist and has made a career producing exclusive content, and programs, for TV networks in Brazil and abroad. In the early 2000s, she created and developed Manuscrito, a pioneer stationery brand in Rio de Janeiro.

Vânia Goy

Journalist and an expert in beauty and wellness. In the past 10 years, Vânia has been the beauty editor of titles such as Marie Claire Brasil and Harper's Bazaar. Currently, she is focused on the Belezinha.com.vc platform, which has become a network for real and digital encounters, in addition to brand consultancies. Alongside Iza, Vânia designed the Ciao, Bela podcast, while also collaborating in research and lectures on beauty & wellness, in addition to having contributed to important DEZON projects, such as #40disruptivedays, #disruptivecreatives and #disruptivecircuit.

Catrina Carta Kowarick

Graduated in International Relations at FAAP (São Paulo) and Goldsmiths (London), Catrina has worked as a journalist for the Brazilian editions of Vogue and Harper's Bazaar magazine. As a Public Relations professional, she worked at Hotel Fasano, Mkt Mix and Cris Barros. She was also the General Coordinator at Giovanni Bianco's, Studio GB65 in São Paulo. Currently, she works with social media, communication strategies, public relations and branding. At DEZON, Catrina collaborates in the research, content and PR areas.

Felipe Stoffa

Graduated in Visual Arts at FAAP (São Paulo), Felipe works in the areas of research and cultural journalism. He was an art reporter for seLecT magazine, and later an assistant editor at Harper's Bazaar Brasil, where he also edited Harper's Bazaar Art publications. In 2020, he was responsible for editing the book “20 in 2020: The Artists of the Next Decade”. Felipe holds a post-graduation degree in Future Studies by IED Brazil, and is currently enrolled in a master's degree program in Social Psychology at PUC-SP. He is responsible for editing and producing content at DEZON.

Camila has a degree in Advertising from FAAP with an extension in Fashion Business from Istituto Marangoni Milano and Futures Studies from IED Brasil. His career began working for advertising agencies before moving to Natura & Co, where he worked as global innovation, brand and branding marketing for the Faces and Tododia brands. At DEZON, he is responsible for the creative service of DEZON and the podcast Ciao, Bela, in addition to creating tailor-made proposals with an eye on the industry.

Studying Systems Analysis and Development and already graduated in Social Work, which keeps her engaged in several causes, among them, she is a volunteer at Ocupação Maria da Penha in Guarulhos-SP. At DEZON she works as a research and content.

Studying Business Administration at PUC Rio, he works as a research and benchmarking Trainee at DEZON. And he has already worked at the start-up Foclore Company in the area of ​​exporting national products.

With a Bachelor's degree in Graphic Design from Anhembi Morumbi University, Nubia works as a brand designer and product designer serving different brand expertise, mainly in the luxury segment. Throughout his career, he has developed projects for several global and national brands.

Graduated in Technique in Graphic Arts from SENAI Theobaldo de Nigris with specialization in Graphic Design from Escola Panamericana de Arte e Design, Bianca is graduated in Graphic Design at Universidade Belas Artes de São Paulo and works in online productions for social media and presentation for DEZON.

Graduated in Marketing Technology by ETEC, and holder of a Bachelor's degree in Advertising by Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (UAM), Grasiele works in the Content and Social Media segment and has already worked in agencies such as Garage IM and Talent Marcel. At DEZON®, she is the community manager.

Daniel Machado

Daniel Machado, has been a translator, writer, announcer and cultural producer since 2017. Graduated in History, by the University of British Columbia, Canada, in 2013, he has worked as a journalist and in the technology industry. Daniel has translated three books, several articles, scripts and market researches, providing services to DEZON as a freelancer since 2020.

Founder of the Sismos Produções production company, our video-maker is graduated in Communication – Radio & TV Broadcasting. With over 10 years of experience in the area, Felipe has worked in several areas related to video production - from filming to editing and post production. His portfolio includes brands and clients such as: Levis, Brastemp and Havaianas, not to mention bands like CPM22, Maneva and Haikaiss. Newly arrived at DEZON, Felipe is in charge of our video content production.